Halle is one of the towns that reminds you of a miniatue. A small precious gem of culture and peace. Just half and hour from Leipzig, An hour and a half from Berlin.

The Euro Music Festival & Academy brings teachers, students and music lovers together: It is a great pleasure to teach in this atmosphere, because the students have different energy and motivation. They are concentrated only on music making, practicing and socializing. For pianists it is really a treat!
It is quite a treat also to have your own studio (during the School year it is the Music Academy, a part of the Halle University). This summer I shared the studio and the students with my dear colleague Yuval Admony. Great Steinways!

Beside the Israeli students, I had a wonderful encounter with a very talented student from Singapore. and also happened to play the Ravel sonata with the violinist Keiko Urushihara , in a Jazzy-like program that included some preludes by Debussy and "Le Picaddily" by Satie. What a fresh feeling is to play french music in Germany!
The students impressed the audience at the final class concert- not only they played with full concentration and devotion , each one achieved his or her maximum: A real joy seeing them reaching their full potential.
Meanwhile between lessons you get to see the beautiful old part of the city, you actually walk through it every day. Of course, one should not miss the beautiful Handel Haus, and even had a few hours of Leipzig, and the St. Thomas church.
Was there a moment of awe when I stood by Bach's grave? probably yes , because Bach is the essence of all music-making: listening, playing or teaching any music feels very different after you visit his workplace, and listening by chance to a choir rehearsal. Some great moments to remember.
Was very happy to participate the second time in the festival. Thank you the Euro Music Festival team! We all had a great time and will come back next summer full of spirit.
